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15 Benefits Of White Pumpkin For Skin, Hair, And Health

While you might be familiar with the commonly found yellow pumpkin, have you ever come across the white pumpkin variety as well? Are you wondering if white pumpkins benefit you in the same ways as their yellow counterparts? Are they equally nutritious or are there any differences more than what meets the eye? Can they be used interchangeably in most pumpkin dishes or do they vary significantly in their taste and texture? To know all these and more about white pumpkin benefits, read on!

In This Article

What is White Pumpkin?

The vegetable pumpkin is a gourd-like squash that belongs to the genus Cucurbita and the family cucurbitae. Pumpkins are generally popular for pumpkin pie that is traditionally a part of thanksgiving meals in the United States. Pumpkins are available in different varieties and colors ranging from yellow, bright orange, brown, grey and white. White pumpkin is quite common in England where it is primarily used for carving and decoration purposes. Due to its white skin, it is considered great for carving as well as painting. Pumpkins form an important part of decorations for Halloween where a face is carved on it and the pumpkin is hollowed out to light candles inside.

Apart from being used as decorative pieces, white pumpkin can easily replace the orange pumpkin in many recipes including pumpkin pies and soups. White pumpkin is available in several varieties such as lumina, baby boo, cotton candy, casper, albino pumpkin, ghost pumpkin etc. The lumina variety has an amazing taste and texture and can be used for baking. White pumpkin can also be hollowed out to be used as a serving tureen.

Did You Know? A white pumpkin called ‘moonshine’ was one of the first white pumpkins ever made. Brent Loy, a professor at the University of New Hampshire, developed it.

Health Benefits of White Pumpkin


Besides making the decorations attractive, white pumpkin can form part of many dishes as it is highly nutritious with several health benefits. It is low in calories and high in vitamins A, B6, C and E. Moreover, it contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, folate, niacin and thiamine as well as carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Its health benefits are as follows.

1. Lowers Cholesterol:

White pumpkin contains high amounts of phytosterols. These compounds can replace and normalize cholesterol to a healthy level, thus providing protection against certain cancers (1).

2. Anti-depressant:


Deficiency of tryptophan is responsible for causing depression. White pumpkin is rich in L-tryptophan, an essential amino-acid which cannot be manufactured by the body (2), (3). This chemical compound is instrumental in alleviating a depressed mood, providing a feeling of happiness and well-being.

3. Beneficial for Eye Health:

White pumpkins have abundant amounts of Lutein and Zeaxanthin which are vital for protecting the eyes against free radical damage and preventing the formation of cataracts, macular degenerationXA common eye disease that causes vision loss and blurry vision due to the breakdown of the inner layer of the macula (present in the retina). and astigmatismXAn eye condition that causes imperfection in the curvature of the eye, causing symptoms like blurred or distorted vision. (4), (5).  Consuming this pumpkin on a regular basis helps in promoting the eye health as it is rich in vitamin A.

4. Anti-inflammatory:


The green seeds of pumpkin have anti-inflammatory properties and thus are effective against arthritis and joint inflammation (6). Herbal decoction made from pumpkin pulp can be used in treating intestinal inflammation.

5. Beneficial in Asthma:

The antioxidants in white pumpkin protect the respiratory system against infections and free radical attacks. Hence, they reduce and heal asthma attacks (7).

6. Treatment of Peptic Ulcers:

The medicinal properties contained in white pumpkin help in soothing the gastrointestinal tract and healing digestive conditions and peptic ulcersXCommonly known as stomach ulcers, these are sores that develop on the inner lining of the stomach. (8).

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7. Protection against Prostate Cancer:

Pumpkin and its seeds have a high content of carotenoids and zinc which provide protection against prostate cancer (9). These compounds help in preventing enlargement of the prostate as well as irritable bladder problems. Pumpkin seeds are used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasiaXAlso referred to as prostate gland enlargement, a common condition in older men that can lead to urinary tract or bladder problems. (BPH).

8. Better Immune System:

The rich variety of nutrients in white pumpkin and white pumpkin juice work wonders in boosting the immune system by increasing the production and performance of white blood cells. Hence, they provide resistance against various kinds of infections.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Alana Sise

Skin Benefits of White Pumpkin

White pumpkin has a high content of anti-oxidants in the form of vitamins A, C and E as well as zinc which are great for your skin. Some of the skin benefits of white pumpkin are as follows.

9. Prevents Damage to the Skin:

White pumpkin is a great option if your skin is damaged from environmental conditions such as overexposure to the sun. Vitamin A soothes and softens your skin and vitamin C being an antioxidant can help to remedy damage caused by free radicals. Pumpkin facial masks, moisturizers and peels greatly nourish your skin by promoting the absorption of nutrients.

10. Anti-aging Benefits:


White pumpkins are rich in vitamins A, C and E as well as zinc which together give you a healthy and glowing skin and boost collagen production to prevent signs of ageing (10), (11). Having a cup of pumpkin seeds daily hydrates and nourishes your skin, thus protecting against the appearance of wrinkles. It also contains fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) which enhance cell turnover to brighten and smooth your skin.

11. Anti-acne:

White pumpkin contains acne fighting vitamins E and T, more commonly known as torulitine. Thus, it is used in several anti-acne products which provide relief from acne, blemishes or frequent breakouts. Rubbing the fleshy side of fresh pumpkin on your face twice a day acts as a natural blemish-fighting toner.

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12. Beneficial for Oily & Dry Skin:

Pumpkin seeds contain essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which are vital for maintaining good barrier function of the skin as well as regulating sebum. White pumpkin is used as an active ingredient in skin toners, peels and anti-acne masks for reducing pore size, controlling excess oil and preventing the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

White pumpkin contains natural enzymes that help in dissolving dry skin cells. Being rich in enzymes, it is used in skincare products for soothing and softening dry, cracked hands and feet. You can combine two tablespoons of pumpkin puree with two tablespoons of Vaseline for your dry heel treatment. Apply it on your feet at night and put cotton socks on for deep moisturizing.

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13. Natural Exfoliator:

White pumpkin is often used in exfoliators and moisturizers as it helps in removing old surface skin cells and encourages new cell production. Due to its small molecular structure, it can penetrate deeper into the skin and treat dull complexion, ageing skin and pigmentation.

Hair Benefits of White Pumpkin

In addition to the skin, the nutrients contained in white pumpkin are extremely beneficial for your hair. Some of its benefits for hair are as follows.

14. Promotes Hair Growth:

White pumpkin is rich in vitamin A which is extremely beneficial for your scalp. It also contains potassium which helps in promoting the re-growth of hair and preventing hair loss.

15. Suitable for Dry or Damaged Hair:

Just like dry skin treatment, this pumpkin is extremely beneficial for dry or damaged hair. Thus, it can form a part of your hair care regimen where it can be externally applied on your hair along with other ingredients such as coconut, honey and yoghurt.

Stylecraze Says If you want to grow white pumpkins, choose a spot with well-draining soil that has some water retention (as white pumpkins do not grow well in dry soil). Also, ensure you plant it under a shady area to retain the white color.

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Infographic: Benefits Of White Pumpkin For Skin

White pumpkin is a rich source of essential vitamins and antioxidants that help improve skin health. Its seeds also have skin-protecting effects and anti-aging benefits. They help nourish, hydrate, and brighten the skin. From protecting your skin from damage to regulating sebum protection, white pumpkin has many skin benefits. Click on the infographic below to learn how it can enhance your skin health.

White pumpkins are loaded with vitamins A, B6, C, E, and other important minerals. They may lower cholesterol, act as an anti-depressant, promote eye health, and are beneficial for people with asthma. They also help treat peptic ulcers, fight inflammation, and may slow down aging. Their use in promoting hair growth is also well-known. Try including white pumpkins in your diet and hair and skin care regimens to reap their benefits.

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