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5 Best Yoga Mudras For Asthma With Steps & Benefits

Asthma makes you uncomfortable and uneasy. The shortness of breath weakens your body, dulls your spirit, and slows down your brain. Luckily, there are certain yoga mudras for asthma management that you can rely on. Here, we discuss them, how to perform them, and their overall health benefits. Keep scrolling to find out.

Before that, let’s understand the importance of yoga mudras as healing agents.

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Significance Of Yoga Mudras

Yoga mudras are an independent branch of yoga, apart from asanas and breathing techniques. Mudra means gesture or attitude, and it connects one body part to another. A mudra might involve your entire body or just your hand. There are five kinds of yoga mudras – Hasta (hand) mudras, Mana (head) mudras, Kaya (posture) mudras, Bandha (lock) mudras, and Adhara (perineal) mudras. These mudras initiate currents through the body, balancing the body’s elements and restoring them.

Yoga mudras balance the five life-sustaining elements (fire, water, wind, sky, and earth) in your body and cure diseases caused as a result of an imbalance in these five elements. Hasta mudras are more familiar than the others, and your fingers in the hand mudras represent the five life-sustaining energies in the body. They serve as electrical connections to the body, and their placement adjusts the flow of energy, invoking the five life energies to carry out their specific functions accurately.

Related: 7 Baba Ramdev Yoga Asanas To Treat Asthma

Hasta Yoga Mudras For Asthma

There are a set of 16 hand mudras that help in healing various ailments of your body. These mudras can be practiced while sitting, standing or even walking. You need to ensure the mudras are symmetrical and your body is relaxed.

Some of the hasta mudras effectively regulate oxygen intake, clear the bronchial tubes, and ease breathing. Those hand mudras are mentioned below, and regularly practicing them will give relief from asthma.

Asthma Curing Hasta Mudras

  1. Asthma Mudra
  2. Bronchial Mudra
  3. Prithvi Mudra
  4. Linga Mudra
  5. Surya Mudra

1. Asthma Mudra

Image: Shutterstock

Benefits: Asthma Mudra relieves and prevents asthma attacks.

Procedure: Bring your palms together. Bend the middle fingers of both the hands in such a manner that the upper halves of both the fingers are lowered, and the nails of the bent middle fingers are pressed against each other. The other fingers are kept at a distance from each other, and the palms are slightly apart. Practice the mudra for 7-10 minutes every day.

StyleCraze SaysPractice pranayama techniques along with Asthma yoga mudra. This will help open the nasal passage.

2. Bronchial Mudra

Image: Shutterstock

Benefits: This mudra helps you get rid of chest congestion and bronchitis and is life-saving during an asthma attack.

Procedure: Open up your palm. Place your little finger at the base of your thumb and your ring finger at the upper thumb joint. Then, put your middle finger on the thumb’s pad. Leave the index finger extended outwards. Practice this mudra for about 5 minutes every day.

3. Prithvi Mudra

Image: Shutterstock

Benefits: This mudra increases the earth element in your body and boosts your immune system.

Procedure: Sit comfortably either in the Padmasana or Vajrasana or on a chair. Let the tip of your ring finger touch the tip of your thumb. Apply gentle pressure while doing so. The other fingers have to be kept straight and taut. Practicing this mudra for 30-45 minutes every day is good.

StyleCraze SaysAvoid overstretching your middle, little, and index finger while practicing Prithvi yoga mudra because it may make you tired in less time.

4. Linga Mudra

Image: Shutterstock

Benefits: This mudra keeps your respiratory system intact and clears phlegm from your windpipe.

Procedure: Sit or stand comfortably. Clasp your hands in such a manner that your fingers are intertwined. Place it near your chest. Point your left thumb upward and encircle your left thumb with the right thumb and right index finger. Maintain the mudra intact for 15 minutes while breathing normally.

Related: 5 Effective Yoga Mudras For Your Healthy Heart

5. Surya Mudra

Benefits: This mudra is useful to cure severe cold and nose blockage.

Procedure: Sit or stand in a comfortable position. Bring your hands in front of your chest. Keep your palms open and facing outward. Now, keep the tip of your index fingers of both the hands at the base of your thumbs and place the thumbs on top of the index fingers. Make sure the other fingers are straight and kept together. Retain the mudra for about 15 minutes. Do it thrice a day.

Infographic: Hasta mudras that can help manage asthma

Hasta mudras relieve chest congestion, remove phlegm from the windpipe and clear any lung obstructions, all of which improve the respiratory system’s function in people with asthma. You can learn more about these simple hasta mudras that have great healing properties in the infographic below.

Respiratory conditions, especially asthma, can make life difficult. So, taking to yoga for asthma is one of the most sought-after ways to manage this ailment. The five yoga mudras listed above can address the imbalances in life-sustaining elements like water, air, fire, earth, and sky in the body and prevent and treat resultant illnesses. Of the five mudras, hasta mudras work effectively to prevent asthma attacks, ease chest congestion, boost immunity, remove phlegm from the windpipe, and treat severe cold and nose blockages. These easy-to-perform hasta mudras have great healing properties, and you can even practice them while at work or traveling.

Now, let’s answer some queries regarding yoga mudras and asthma.

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