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5 Habits to Help You Maintain Healthy Skin

Smoking is one of the activities that dermatologists discourage because it affects your skin. When you smoke, the tiny blood vessels in the superficial layer of your skin are narrowed, meaning blood flow to the skin will be decreased. This will make the skin paler and contribute to the early appearance of wrinkles. Blood helps with the movement of oxygen and nutrients, and if the flow is decreased, the skin will also lack important supplements.

The skin is given strength by collagen, and it gets its elasticity from elastin. Smoking damages these fibers meaning that when you smoke, you weaken your skin. Also, smoking increases your chances of getting skin cancer. Therefore, smoking affects your body in various ways which are seen through your skin.

Moreover, the simple activities you do while smoking like squinting contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. The best way to keep your skin healthy is to avoid smoking. Or you can try other alternatives to smoking such as chewing nicotine pouches from

Healthy Diet

The food you eat will be reflected in your skin. Therefore, if you want to maintain a healthy skin, you should ensure your plate contains all the necessary nutrients. It should be full of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and whole grains. Avoid sugars and foods that contain high amounts of fats. A healthy diet ensures that your body is supplied with all the necessary nutrients needed to rejuvenate it.

Foods that are high in antioxidants such as sweet potatoes and berries are good for the skin. Antioxidants help reduce inflammation which is known to cause wrinkles. Therefore, if your body is supplied with enough antioxidants, your skin will be strong, smooth, and clear. You are also advised to drink plenty of water.

All dermatologists encourage drinking at least eight glasses of water daily to maintain a healthy skin. Staying hydrated helps clear the skin because it flushes all the toxins out of our body. It is important to drink water when you wake up as it will improve the appearance of your skin.

Also, water does not have chemicals meaning you do not have to worry about harming your body.  Water is free of calories so you will not add weight which is the case when taking other drinks. Have a water bottle so that you drink at least one liter a day.

Stay Away from the Sun

The sun is important because it is a natural source of vitamin D. However, too much exposure to the sun damages your skin resulting in sunburns and chronic conditions like skin cancer.  The habits that you should adapt to protect yourself from the sun are using sunscreen, seeking shade, and wearing protective clothing.

Do not leave the house without applying sunscreen during summer. Use sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 and above. If you are in the sun, apply sunscreen at least twice every two hours. If you love makeup, it is important to purchase products that contain sunscreen, including foundations, moisturizers, or primers.

If you are too busy to follow these steps and you would like to have glowing skin for an event, tanning will come in handy. Sunless tanners give you that youthful radiance, and your skin will not have any signs of sun damage. Tanners are made with high-quality ingredients which are safe for the skin.

Moreover, seeking shade is essential when protecting yourself from the sun. You should be in your office or the house from 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. because these are the hours when the sun’s rays are the strongest. If you are an outdoor worker, apply your sunscreen, and wear protective clothing. The clothing includes caps, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, and hats.

Also, you should consider using laundry additives that offer ultraviolet protection for a specified number of washings. Remember to stay hydrated while working because when under the sun, you sweat which dehydrates your body

Learn to Manage Stress

Another habit that will help you maintain a healthy skin is managing stress. Pimples usually appear when a person is stressed. This means that if your mental health is disturbed, you are at high risk of skin breakouts. Therefore, you should take part in stress-relieving activities to maintain a healthy skin.

These activities include yoga, journaling, exercising, and doing the things you enjoy, such as singing, dancing, or cooking. Also, having enough sleep helps improve your mental health, and in turn, prevents the appearance of acne. The body regenerates and repairs damaged cells when sleeping, meaning that having the right amount of sleep is a good therapeutic activity when maintaining a healthy skin. If you learn to manage your stress, you will be surprised by the clear appearance that your skin will gain.

Have a Proper Skincare Routine

A skincare routine is an important secret that people use to keep a youthful-looking skin as they age. Skincare routine includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. These three steps are done daily. Other steps which are done once or twice are week are exfoliating, shaving, and using a mask.

However, certain precautions should be taken during a skincare routine to avoid damaging your skin. First, you should avoid taking a shower with hot water and limit your shower time to avoid stripping essential oils from your skin. Also, use a gentle cleanser because a harsh one will irritate your skin.

Shave carefully to avoid razor bumps which make your skin look dry. Shave after you have showered, use lotion or cream before shaving, and shave in the direction of hair growth. After your skincare routine, pat your skin dry gently using a towel and apply a moisturizer.

It is easier to maintain a healthy skin if you adapt the habits mentioned above. They are effective, and you will be shocked by the positive results. Maintaining a healthy skin should be everyone’s goal as it promotes a healthy lifestyle.

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