Healthy Eating

9 Easy, Healthy Snacks You Can Make Yourself

Let’s be real for a second: Even the most dedicated cooks often reach for store-bought snacks over the homemade kind. There are so many great options out there these days, and a lot of the time, a snack craving hits when we’re on-the-go, not when we’re at home with access to a full kitchen. Frankly, there’s nothing wrong with stashing a few healthy, packaged snacks in your gym bag or your desk drawer for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up—in fact, we encourage it! That’s why SELF editors taste-tested dozens of healthy snack options in order to bring you this list of the 13 best healthy snacks you can buy at the grocery store.

But, OK, now that we’ve made it clear that healthy packaged snacks are totally great and convenient and delicious, let’s talk about how awesome it can be to cozy up with a homemade snack every once in a while. Whether you’re assembling Insta-worth toast toppings or turning bananas into healthy ice cream, putting together a snack from scratch can be really fun, and sweet snacks can even make for great healthy desserts. Below are some of our favorite snack recipes, for those times when you feel like putting extra effort in.

All of the recipes have a dietitian-approved balance of carbs, protein, and fat, in accordance with the current USDA dietary guidelines. We didn’t turn the recipes into a set meal plan, because we know that everybody has different needs, goals, and preferences when it comes to food. If you want personalized nutrition advice, consult a doctor or registered dietitian. If you want a better idea of how much you should be eating every day, the USDA recommends this calculator.

A quick note here: If you feel it’s necessary, it’s always OK to check with a doctor before trying a new meal plan. These recipes are meant to provide helpful guidance if you’re looking to learn new ways to eat healthy, but they aren’t for everyone. For some people, the healthiest thing to do is ignore calories and meal plans entirely. Like we said, food is personal and everybody is different. If these recipes work for you, that’s great! If they don’t, that’s also totally fine.

4-Ingredient Banana Smoothie

Serves 1

Total time: 3 minutes
Active time: 3 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

This simple smoothie is light enough to be a snack, as opposed to a full meal.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 209 calories, 12 g fat (2 g saturated), 20 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 9 g protein

Broiled Figs and Yogurt

Serves 1

Total time: 5 minutes
Active time: 5 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

Don’t you love it when something so healthy can actually pass for dessert?

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 194 calories, 6 g fat (2 g saturated), 24 g carbs, 20 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 12 g protein

Chia Almond Butter Toast

Serves 1

Total time: 5 minutes
Active time: 5 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

Chia seeds and cinnamon take this classic snack to the next level.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 215 calories, 12 g fat (1 g saturated), 23 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 8 g protein

Pizza English Muffin

Serves 1

Total time: 1 minute
Active time: 5 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

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Two tiny pizzas that make the perfect afternoon snack.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 215 calories, 6 g fat (3 g saturated), 30 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 11 g protein

Maple Cinnamon Chia Pudding

Serves 1

Total time: 2 hours
Active time: 2 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

This super simple chia pudding is high in fiber and has a good amount of healthy fat.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 177 calories, 11 g fat (1 g saturated), 20 g carbs, 8 g sugar, 11 g fiber, 7 g protein

Sliced Pear and Cheddar

Serves 1

Total time: 2 minutes
Active time: 2 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

Sometimes, simple snacks are exactly what you want.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 234 calories, 10 g fat (6 g saturated), 29 g carbs, 18 g sugar, 6 g fiber, 8 g protein

Yogurt With Pomegranate and Olive Oil

Serves 1

Total time: 3 minutes
Active time: 3 minutes

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Olive oil adds a richness to this easy fruit-and-yogurt combination.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 197 calories, 7 g fat (2 g saturated), 22 g carbs, 16 g sugar, 4 g fiber, 13 g protein

Hummus Avocado Toast

Serves 1

Total time: 5 minutes
Active time: 5 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

Another variation on avocado toast to keep things interesting.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 211 calories, 9 g fat (1 g saturated), 27 g carbs, 3 g sugar, 7 g fiber, 6 g protein

Yogurt With Quick Apple Topping

Serves 1

Total time: 10 minutes
Active time: 10 minutes

Andrew Purcell, Carrie Purcell

It isn’t apple pie, but it might help satisfy a craving.

Get The Recipe Here

Nutrition Per Serving: 224 calories, 6 g fat (1 g saturated), 33 g carbs, 25 g sugar, 5 g fiber, 13 g protein