Fashion Style

Benefits of Using Sulfate-Free Shampoo


What are Sulfates?

Almost all shampoos contain these chemicals called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), which are commonly known as sulfates. This ingredient is mainly considered to be a cleaning agent. The primary role of sulfate is to create a rich lather for cleaning purposes.

Just imagine using a chemical that is used in household cleaning products on your hair. How damaging that can be! 

Since sulfates have been proved to damage your hair, many brands in the hair-care industry have begun to formulate sulfate-free products.

Why Use Sulfate-Free Shampoo? 

Let’s have a look at some of the most significant benefits of using a sulfate-free shampoo.

1.Retain the Natural Moisture

Do you know that using hair products with sulfates strips away the moisture from your hair, making them dry, dull, and frizzy? On top of that, dry hair leads to several other problems like dandruff and hair fall. Your hair needs its moisture back in order to prevent problems like split ends, hair fall, and breakage. 

While such shampoos or hair products aggravate the symptoms of damaged hair, sulfate-free helps with preventing it. You immediately need to switch to a sulfate-free shampoo in order to get healthy hair.

2.Maintain Essential Natural Hair Oils

Your hair produces natural oils that allow them to stay healthy and smooth. Since the purpose of sulfates is to produce lather and remove dirt from your hair, this strong cleaning agent might end up taking away all the natural oils from your hair.

Luckily, sulfate-free shampoos exist to save our lives. If you want to give your hair a deep cleanse without stripping away its natural oils, a sulfate-free shampoo is all you need. When you use a sulfate-free shampoo, your strands won’t lose their healthy shine.

3.Preserve Your Hair Color

Hair coloring is now a common routine for most people. Especially when we see gray hair, we can’t resist. We all wish that our color stays for as long as it is possible.

However, it only happens when you take good care of it. For that reason, you might need to avoid traditional chemical-based shampoos and hair products. Especially, shampoos with SLS or SLES can be very harsh on freshly dyed hair.

Sulfate-free shampoos are a blessing for people with colored hair. Unlike shampoos with sulfates, SLS-free ones are gentle on hair and extend the lifeline of your hair dye. You don’t have to worry about your hair looking lackluster and faded if you include a sulfate-free conditioner in your routine.

4.Suitable for Sensitive Scalp

Those of us with a sensitive scalp know how scary it is to choose the wrong hair products. Dry scalp, irritated skin, itchiness, and dandruff are enough to make us worried about the situation. As if this is not enough, our daily shampoos that contain sulfates are making it worse. 

If you haven’t experienced flakiness or red patches despite having a sensitive scalp, you’re lucky. But you never know when you will be facing this issue if you continue using those shampoos.

Sulfate-free shampoos are not only mild but also tend to be gentler on hair and scalp. If you want to prevent or get rid of itchiness, irritation, and inflammation, SLS-free shampoo is perfect for your needs.


People who can easily manage to avoid getting shampoo in their eyes while in the shower won’t relate to this. But for those who can’t prevent shampoo from getting close to the eye area knows what it feels like to suffer from occasional eye stinging.

If you want to stop getting red and irritated eyes every time you shower, sulfate-free shampoo is the solution. SLS-free shampoos are not only tear-free but also help in maintaining your hair’s health.

6.Enhance Your Curls 

This one’s for all the beauties out there with curls. We are going to tell you one of the best reasons to switch to a sulfate-free shampoo.

Since sulfates strip away all the moisture from your, making them look dry and dull, it will affect your curls badly. If you keep using shampoos with SLS, you’ll have a hard time maintaining your curls. You’ll eventually lose the tight and hydrated curl pattern.

In order to prevent your healthy and bouncy curls from damage, choosing the right shampoo should be your top priority. And sulfate-free shampoos are going to work perfectly for your beautiful curls.

How to Find Out If Your Shampoo is Sulfate-Free or Not? 

The best way to know if your shampoo is full of harsh chemicals and sulfates is by looking at the label. Unfortunately, you will be shocked when you see a list of harmful and toxic ingredients in there.

Here are the ingredients that you should look out for in a shampoo. 

• Parabens

• Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

• Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

• Triethanolamine

• Phthalates

Are Sulfates Bad for Your Hair? 

The damage that sulfates can do to your hair mainly depends on your hair type. Some people don’t face any issue with using hair products that have SLS. But most people do. Greasy hair, dryness, breakage, itchiness, all these problems that occur from SLS shampoos.

Besides that, you can never use shampoos with sulfates if you wash your hair daily. You can’t even imagine the damage if you do this.

If you haven’t yet faced any issues with sulfate shampoos, then you’re probably lucky. But you have to take precautions before it’s too late. We suggest washing your hair only once or twice a week if you don’t want to or can’t switch to a sulfate-free shampoo.

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