Fashion Style

Hair Loss 101: Why It Happens and What to Do About It


The Most Common Reasons

There’s a great number of reasons your hair started falling excessively, and here are some of them: 

  • Stress (induces a change in hormones and chemical reactions in your body leading to hair falling out)
  • Too much vitamin A 
  • It’s genetical (if your father or mother’s hairline started receding at some point, you might also be prone to it)
  • Hormones changing
  • Low iron level
  • Not enough protein in your diet
  • Losing a lot of weight quickly
  • Medication side-effects
  • Effect of over-styling your hair
  • You’re simply getting older

Most of these reasons for hair loss are benign and nothing to worry about. Also, there are certain products that can help reverse or at least slow down the process of hair thinning and falling out, like Minoxidil, but you should read into it before deciding to use it. 

Medications/ Medical Treatments

If you do experience sudden or rapidly increasing hair falling out, you may also want to look into the medical procedures for improvement, prevention, or hair replacement. Medications like Finasteride and Minoxidil may help slow hair loss and even promote the growth of new follicles but are not 100% effective. 

You can also try laser treatment therapy or red-light therapy, where a medical professional will treat your scalp with low-level lasers to stimulate epidermal cells and try and promote new hair growth. 

If everything else fails, or you’re just not interested in undergoing long and irritating treatments, you might start thinking about a hair transplant. There is no shame about it, millions of people have undergone this procedure, and it’s not a dangerous one. Despite it being a harmless procedure, you should look for a quality professional to perform it to ensure great results. Read reviews and find reliable experts like these guys performing hair transplants in Toronto where you can find many testimonials of a job well done. You’ll be healing from surgery in no time and going out into the world with your beautiful new hairline, confident as ever. It’ll be great to feel the wind in your hair once again.

Properly Maintaining Your Hair

Undoubtedly, most of us wash our hair on a regular basis and use shampoo, but simply washing it every few days isn’t enough to preserve its health. There’s a great number of things you can do to improve your overall hair quality and preserve it for a long time. 

We’ll start with your diet. Having a protein and vitamin-rich diet can greatly reduce the risk of hair follicles weakening, so eating fish, soy and lean meats is great for your hair. 

You should use milder shampoos and avoid combing your hair while it’s wet since it can do a lot of damage to the roots and increase hair loss. You should also keep yourself hydrated, at least four to eight glasses of water every day for the growth of healthy hair. Also, occasional scalp massage can be beneficial.

Smoking and drinking alcohol can reduce the blood flow which, in turn, will cause the reduction of hair growth, so if you’re experiencing it, you should reduce the intake of either. 

A good daily physical activity can help balance out the hormones and also relieve you of stress, so it can be greatly beneficial. Leading a healthy, active lifestyle overall is great for your hair, but there are also products that can help it remain healthy and beautiful, such as olive or coconut oil. Gently massaging your hair with these every now and then will do wonders for its health and growth. Also, you should avoid undergoing chemical styling treatments like perms or hair coloring as these can do a lot of harm to your hair. If you do color your hair and do it often, you should ask your stylist if they can use alternative hair products that are organic and don’t contain harmful ingredients like peroxide or ammonia. 

Baldness is such a widespread occurrence, and as it is usually benign, you shouldn’t be too worried about it. If you are bothered by it, there’s a number of things you can do to prevent it or work on growing your hair back, and hopefully, this text was educational enough to point you in the right direction.

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