Weight Loss

How To Make Yourself Burp – 7 Simple Ways

The excess gas from the body is released in the form of burping (1). While this process occurs naturally for many of us, some of us may struggle. But fret not – as we will explain how to make yourself burp and ease your stomach gas. People with burping difficulties feel the air stuck in their throat as they cannot push it out completely. The remedies listed here are effective and help one burp easily. Keep reading to learn about these remedies and pick one that suits you the best.

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7 Best Ways To Make You Burp

1. Drink Water Or A Carbonated Beverage


The sudden pressure that builds up inside your stomach after drinking a carbonated beverage can help you burp.

Surprisingly, drinking plain water can help you do that as well. All you have to do is to drink an entire glass in a single breath while pinching your nose (so that no air is released). This also builds pressure inside your stomach, causing you to burp.

Stylecraze Says You can also use a straw to quickly drink your cold drink. This can help build up the gaseous pressure, which, in turn, can help you burp. Related: 8 Important Benefits Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

2. Change Your Breathing Style


Slouching while breathing can cause your burp to get stuck midway. Instead, sit upright. This not only prevents gastrointestinal symptoms like acid reflux but can also make it easier for you to burp.

Related: 5 Deep Breathing Exercises Of Pranayama For Good Oxygen Levels

3. Swallow Air

Exhale all the air from your lungs and follow it up with a deep breath and inhale a lungful of air. Now, instead of breathing out the inhaled air, just swallow it. You may see yourself burping right after. However, don’t do this too often as it can cause flatulence and make you belch all too often.

4. Do Some Light Exercises


Light exercises can exert pressure on the air inside your stomach and force it up. A simple jog, a brisk walk, or even jumping up and down can help you burp while also getting rid of excess gas. Simply lying down and getting up on your feet quickly will also do the trick. If there’s air in your stomach, life will work on it to remove and expunge it.

Related: 15 Best Balance Exercises To Improve Stability And Strength

5. Eat Gassy Foods

Gassy foods like cabbage, chickpeas, apples, pears, and broccoli don’t just cause gas – they can induce belching due to the pressure that builds inside your stomach due to the produced gas.

6. Suck In And Trap Some Air


Another quick way to burp is to force some air into your throat and trap it. For this, you will first have to suck air into your mouth until your jaw and throat expand. Do this until a bubble forms in the throat. Now, trap the bubble by blocking your mouth with your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Release the bubble slowly by lowering your tongue and parting your lips slightly. This action can induce burping.

7. Take Antacids


Taking over-the-counter antacids that contain calcium carbonate can also cause one to burp. However, antacids are mainly taken to relieve acidity and should be the last resort to provoke burping. Do not use antacids regularly unless advised by your doctor.

Stylecraze Says You can also lie on your stomach and curl your knees towards you. Stretch your arms forward and arch your back. Repeat as needed. Ensure you keep your head and throat level.

Burping may relieve the tension caused by gas and bloating for a while, but it is not a permanent solution for such issues. Listed below are some long-term tips that you may want to consider to prevent gas and bloating.

How To Prevent Gas And Bloating

  • Limit your intake of gas-producing foods like cabbage, broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, dairy products, etc.
  • Eat slowly to avoid swallowing too much air (2).
  • Quit smoking.
  • Avoid drinking water in between or soon after a meal.
  • Avoid chewing too many gums.
  • Eat your last meal at least a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • Do light exercises. If you have just eaten, focus on expanding the areas you feel heavy and full in.

Infographics: Healthiest Ways To Make Yourself Burp

Burping is a natural process but a burp may sometimes get stuck in the throat and cause discomfort. Though we already mentioned a few tips and tricks for making yourself burp, not all of them are advisable for everyone.

Check out the infographic below to learn the healthiest ways to make yourself burp.

Burping is the simplest way to relieve excess gas from the body. Some people may face difficulties while burping. But, some effective ways explain how to make yourself burp. Drinking water or a carbonated beverage, changing your breathing style, swallowing air, doing some light exercises, and eating certain gassy foods like chickpeas and cabbage may make you burp. In addition, eating slowly, avoiding drinking water in between or soon after a meal, and quitting smoking help prevent gas and bloating.

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