Mental Health

If Mindfulness Practices Make You Anxious, Try SKY Breath Meditation

No matter who you are, taking care of your mental health is extremely important. There’s no right or wrong way to improve it — you may choose to take medication, journal, exercise, work with a mental health professional, do art therapy, or a combination of practices to manage and improve your well-being. If you’ve been curious about meditation and the benefits but find yourself saying things like, “It’s impossible for me to sit still and focus,” a new technique called SKY Breath Meditation can help improve your mental health without making you feel antsy and anxious.

“SKY Breath Meditation is a series of breathing practices that our research and others’ have now shown decreases anxiety and depression and stress, and improves well-being, positive emotions, mindfulness, [and] social connection,” Emma Seppälä, PhD, science director at the Stanford Center For Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and lead scientist on a Stanford/Yale study that looked at the benefits of SKY Breath Meditation, told POPSUGAR. SKY Breath Meditation focuses less on your thoughts and more on your physical breath, offering a deep state of relaxation that can help frantic thoughts to settle down.

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