Weight Loss

Malic Acid Benefits, Dosage, Foods Rich In It, & Side Effects

Malic acid benefits range from boosting hair and skin health to improving liver health. In addition to apples, malic acid is also found in a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. This natural compound can help manage fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It may also benefit your oral health. This article discusses the importance of malic acid, its benefits, sources, recommended dosage, and possible side effects. Take a look.

In This Article

What Is Malic Acid?

Malic acid is naturally found in fruits and vegetables and is also produced in our bodies when carbohydrates are converted into energy. The natural form of malic acid is called L-malic acid, and the one synthesized in the laboratory is called D-malic acid. Malic acid provides the sour or bitter taste commonly associated with fruits and vegetables.

Stylecraze Trivia

Carl Wilhelm Scheele was the first person to create malic acid from apple juice in 1785.

It produces the chemical energy required for managing bodily discomfort, energy production, general detoxification, and oral hygiene. That is just an overview. Now let’s get to the details below.

What Are The Benefits Of Malic Acid?

Primarily used for treating fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, malic acid is also known to boost oral health and cleanse the liver. Studies show it can also boost energy.

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