Mental Health

TikTok Released Resources For Its Users’ Mental Health and Well-Being — Here’s How They Can Help

Content warning: This article mentions eating disorders, suicide, and suicidal ideation.

Sure, TikTok can be great for fitness trends and food hacks, but it can also be a valuable resource for learning about mental health and for those struggling with their own mental illness to share their stories. For instance, we love the informative videos from mental health experts Dr. Kojo Sarfo (@dr.kojosarfo) and Dr. Marquis Norton (@drnortontherapy), but with millions of users uploading content to TikTok, the platform is cracking down on what gets shared in the algorithm and providing resources for its sensitive mental health content.

On Sept. 14, TikTok announced it would be providing well-being resources on its platform to help users who come across sensitive content. “While we don’t allow content that promotes, glorifies or normalizes suicide, self-harm or eating disorders, we do support people who choose to share their experiences to raise awareness, help others who might be struggling and find support among our community,” the brand announced in a press release.

In February, for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, TikTok released new in-app support features for those who are living with or recovering from an eating disorder, including providing access to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) helpline on hashtags related to eating disorders (e.g. #edrecovery), and providing tips and support backed by eating-disorder experts.

Now, TikTok has released a new Safety Center guide focused on eating disorders for teens, educators, and caregivers, created with the help of the NEDA, the National Eating Disorder Information Centre, the Butterfly Foundation, and Bodywhys. The platform also has included PSAs on sensitive hashtags, such as #whatieatinaday, to increase eating-disorder awareness.

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