Fashion Style

What Makes A Naturally Healthy Glow?

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “wow – they’re glowing”

It’s not because they have the best shoes, makeup, or even the best hair. It’s an energy that comes from confidence, warmth, and plenty of hours of beauty care.

Wondering how you can get on this level?

We have a tip that you might not hear that often: focus on areas that most people overlook in favor of more obvious traits, like hair, fashion, and makeup.

In this guide, we’ll share what makes a naturally healthy glow and what areas you should focus on to step up your looks.


Your Smile

Many people may overlook oral health when thinking about emphasizing a natural glow, but your smile is one of the most important things to focus on. Your teeth say a lot about you, and you want them to shine just as much as you do. Proper care and maintenance can keep them clean and refreshingly white year-round, helping you achieve a naturally healthy look.

Avoid any procedures that would hurt your teeth or gums, like shaping your teeth, because they will only harm you further down the line. Trends may seem fun for the moment, but they can be devastating “quick fixes” that land you with severe health complications later. You only have a certain amount of enamel, and once it’s gone, it won’t grow back.

Your Skin

To get your skin to glow, you’ll need to take care of it to prevent damage. This means avoiding cuts and scrapes, but also sun and heat damage.

Apply sunblock to prevent burns and protect your skin from harmful UV rays when you go outside. Use chapstick to keep your lips from drying out, and stay hydrated so that your skin is refreshed.

If your skin can handle it, exfoliate your skin two to three times a week. Exfoliating too often will cause more harm than good, leaving your skin irritated, blotchy, and unhealthy. Be light with scrubs and chemicals when exfoliating, and don’t try to use the products on damaged skin.

Your Nails

When you think of nails, you may think of the stylish acrylic additions you get done to look your best, but for a natural glow, you want to ensure the health of your physical nails. There are several signs to look for regarding nail health, primarily severe discoloration and brittleness.

Take care of your nails and clean them often for the best results. It’s normal for some amount of discoloration, but severe changes indicate underlying health complications.
If you have nerves and bite your nails, try to curb the habit for your own sake or seek treatment for the underlying anxiety. Gnawed-down nails aren’t the best look, and they can cause other health issues to arise.

Your Diet

The old saying “you are what you eat” carries weight for a reason. A properly balanced diet includes plenty of vitamins and minerals that will nourish your body throughout the day. Fruits and vegetables will help you achieve a natural glow inside and out, as will drinking plenty of water and juices.

When you have a great diet plan filled with delicious foods designed to keep you healthy, you’ll both look and feel better as a result. It’s essential to meet your daily water intake to nourish your body and rejuvenate the skin after a long day if you want to shine.


From the foods you eat to how you treat your skin, your overall health plays a significant role in establishing that coveted natural glow. For a long-lasting effect, lifestyle changes are needed to maintain the results. Don’t settle for quick fixes when you can have the real deal long-term. Take care of your body right, and see the results for yourself.

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