Weight Loss

Yoga Asanas To Get Rid Of Nausea in Effective Way

If you think practicing yoga for nausea is a good idea…you are right! Nausea is that sickening pukish feeling that can knock on your door anytime as a result of stomach flu, motion sickness, or a number of other reasons. But what if we told you that you can relieve yourself of nausea within a matter of minutes? Yes, all it takes is performing four yoga asanas. Are you up for it? In this article, we find out how yoga helps treat nausea and the four yoga exercises to perform. Keep reading!

In This Article

What Is Nausea?


Nausea is a non-specific symptom. This means that it has many causes. It is a discomfort in the upper stomach that leads to an involuntary urge to vomit. Although nausea can precede vomit, it isn’t necessary that you will vomit if you have nausea. If nausea is prolonged, it becomes exhausting.

Related: What To Eat When Nauseous – Foods To Eat And Avoid

How Does Yoga Help With Nausea?

When you practice yoga, blood circulation is enhanced. This means more oxygen is circulated throughout your body. This helps to refresh and rejuvenate your system. With regular practice, imbalances are regulated, and toxins are flushed out. This reduces the sensations that nausea brings with it and provides relief.

Related: 12 Effective Foods To Improve Blood Circulation In The Body

Yoga For Nausea

  1. Supta Virasana
  2. Viparita Karani
  3. Baddha Konasana
  4. Deep Breathing

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